

Astrological sign
Pisces is the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac. It is a negative, mutable sign. It spans 330° to 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area between February 19 and March 20. Wikipedia
Symbol: Fish
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Neptune
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Constellation: Pisces
Duration (tropical, western): February 19 – March 20 (2024, UT1)

Piscis from www.lavanguardia.com
Piscis es un signo mutable y de agua, también es el último signo del zodiaco, precisamente por eso, es el más rico y complejo de todos.
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Piscis from en.wikipedia.org
It is a faint constellation, containing only one star brighter than 4th magnitude: Fomalhaut, which is 1st magnitude and the 18th-brightest star in the night ...
Piscis from en.wikipedia.org
Derived terms edit · Piscis (“Piscis Austrinus (constellation)”, literally “the Fish”) · Piscēs (“Pisces (constellation)”, literally “the Fishes”) · * ...
Piscis from chandra.harvard.edu
A collection of images taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, including image descriptions, constellations, an X-ray sky map and comparisons with images in ...
Piscis from www.lecturas.com
A nivel sentimental, la semana será complicada. Te asaltarán las tentaciones de tener una aventura pasional con una persona que hace poco ha aparecido en escena ...
Piscis from www.britannica.com
It lies in the southern constellation Piscis Austrinus, 25 light-years from Earth. A white star, it has an apparent magnitude of 1.16. A sixth-magnitude ...
Pisces is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is two fish. People who are born between the 19th of February and the 20th of March come under ...
Piscis Austrinus definition: the Southern Fish, a southern constellation between Aquarius and Grus, containing the bright star Fomalhaut.
a southern constellation that is visible south of the constellation Aquarius and that is represented by the figure of a fish. See the full definition ...
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Book details · Language. Spanish · Publisher. LA GALERA S.A. EDITORIAL · ISBN-10. 842462856X · ISBN-13. 978-8424628567 · See all details ...